Wildlife experts are opposing to widen the road inside Gir sanctuary and he stated there must not be railway track passing through sanctuary. The opposition of government decision is for the welfare of animals.
Railway track lies just near the 14 km road and there is State Highway 111 that connects Visavadar to Sasan. As wildlife expert is into view for converting this into tarred road which can lead to accident due to the vehicles speed.

The project needs to be approved by the forest union Minister on September 21 as Rajesh Chudasama, the BJP MP from Junagadh, wrote to him. Road and building department has claimed this project in April.
The department is asking for upgrading of highway which is located in kutcha road, to a pucca road along with bitumen surface.
Revtubha Raijada member of the Gir National Park and Gir Sanctuary advisory committee stated, the proposal of dividing the sanctuary in two parts will lead to accident and create issue in crossing the road for animals from one side to another. This objection appeal to the government may make them stop to act on this.
Many leopards and lions pass from this passage so objection of this proposal will stop visitors to access to protected zone.
Wild lions will be visible in the area and the increased crowd will disturb the peace of lion. The freedom of the animals will be restricted and they will have limited area to cover said Bhushan Pandya, a popular wildlife photographer and wildlife expert .
The construction is much needed in the alternative route outside the sanctuary. The government should take action to take this project of working on the road, wildlife expert said.
Currently restrictions are there for the entry of heavy vehicles under the sanctuary. It is also saying that internal roads are also closed from evening. The proposal will be served before to state board for first approval after that it will hand over to National Board for the last approval, mentioned by an official in forest department.
The court is about to finalize about civil application on the proposed upgrade to the railway lines. Railway track passing through Gir sanctuary on lions and other wildlife in the zone is in the process as per the Gujarat high court affidavit details.
Road running through the core of the sanctuary of the tar surfacing of Sasan kasaiya prone to accident and dangerous for lions and other wild animals.
“Road inside the sanctuary and national park is not safe so proposal will be denied possibly as it does not comes under the ‘union forest ministry guidelines’ as Thaker said.
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