To enjoy the absolute beauty of Gir national park, having a stay in Gir Jungle Lodge will be the best option for you. This is a spectacular Gir hotel providing classis accommodation and a high standard of customer service. This lodge is located at Gir National Park’s entrance. For getting the full experience of visiting Gir Park, no other hotel options can stand by this lodge. The restaurant of the lodge is outstanding as it offers world-class service with top-standard cuisines. Thus, it is an ideal option to stay as well as dining. The variety of plants and trees gives an exotic view. Having an endless nature view is only possible in Gir Jungle lodge. When seeing the lodge, a feeling of vacation in true heaven only comes to mind. The infrastructure of the lodge is perfectly planned as per Vastu Shastra. For people who are curious about the various colors of nature, this lodge is brilliant indeed. It can be accessed from the main road. Being in the jungle, the lodge provides ultimate freedom to experience jungle life and intense elements of Gir national park. For people who come with families or children, Gir jungle lodge will prove a convenient option to get accommodation. The room condition is just awesome as there are a total of 36 well-maintained luxurious rooms that have attached baths with toilet facilities and European commodes. All these facilities enhance the overall experience of the Gir tour and due to such factors; tourists love this Gir Jungle Lodge a lot.